
Monday, October 11, 2010

Always Feel Like a Winner at Sulit

Frankly, at first was not in my list. I thought it was only meant for those who have concerns about traditional way of business in the Philippines and a digital designer like me has no place in it. I could have never imagined that such first impression would suddenly change into a habitual and spontaneous way of making my digital world come to life. From the first day I register an account, I could no longer survive a day without having the in my browser.

What I found more interesting about being a Sulit member (most commonly known as Sulitizen) is that the community itself offers lots of privileges for its members to enjoy. I found this community a boring-free business site where not only buy and sell is concern but also how to have harmonious relationships among other members. I have never been into any Filipino online community but what I am experiencing now with Sulit is truly remarkable. Who can beat a site that offers unlimited posting of classified ads? They are not kidding about this service. It is true indeed that you can post your ads as many as you can for FREE in accordance with its rules and terms.

The very best thing I experienced with Sulit is the time when I joined the Valentine Postcard Making Contest held last February 2010. That was my first participated contest from the time I joined Sulit. Luckily and unexpectedly, from almost 400 who submitted entries, mine was chosen to be one of the ten winning entries. That was the best Valentine I had because I made my husband very happy and surprised a lot with bouquet of flowers he received from me as part of the prize.

You can read my whole story here where it was originally posted (February 23, 2010).

But the best prize I got from being around with Sulit is the friendships which I started to build on with other members. I won lots of friends and still winning more of them. I have this one person in Sulit whom I called not only as co-sulitizen but a friend that easy to count on. I don’t know her personally. I don’t know anything much about her except what are written in her blogs. But I know we have the same interests, share the same world, and what a coincidence we also both finished the same course in college. I am referring to a person known as “blankpixels” whom I prefer now to call on her name, Mhel. We had a very good start of meeting each other and I owe this to Sulit. I met her during the Blog Writing Contest held by Sulit last August. She luckily got the first place which everybody was hoping for to get (including me because I was not lucky to be among the Top10!). I got no doubt that she would make it which made me to decide to support her all through the contest period. And the rest for sure will become a history for us.

So, to all the chances that Sulit is giving me, to all the contests that have been launched, whether I won or not, with Sulit I always feel like a winner and I will always be. I never feel like a loser instead I always ended up my day with a smile in my face knowing that Sulit has made something in my life that no other usual community will do.

1 comment:

  1. oh, I am a member of Sulit too. hope to be your friend too :) tsaka I became a viral poster for Mhel when she joined a Sulit contest ehehe
