
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Beginning of my Lucky Stars

The very first time I visited a bookshop in Taipei called Kingston, I saw some bunch of colorful paper strips which caught my attention and curiosity. At first glance, I never had an idea to what these papers were intended for. And I discovered that they were used for paper folding like origami or something because each pack has instructions which I did not understand exactly how to follow. What I knew was these were used to make stars, bumpy and fatty colorful stars. Believe it or not, I was being impulsive that time to buy dozens of these tiny pieces of paper strips which in fact I did not know yet how to work with. When I got home, I could not wait to give myself a try following the picture instructions at the back of each pack. And you know what, I almost wasted one whole pack but I still could not get and see the real star. My patience then almost gone and I ended up my day very disappointing.

Two days after that day, a friend of ours who lived in Taipei for almost 10 years came over to our apartment and I mentioned to her about these paper strips I bought. She almost laughed at me when she saw my wasted paper strips and the finished deformed stars I made. That day she invited me to her apartment to see her collection. I was amazed when she let me see her big transparent plastic jar with full of stars made out of those paper strips which almost ruined my day in trying to learn even just one piece of star. I got so excited more to learn seriously about this paper folding. And I did learn. I actually did. Since then I kept on folding here, folding there. It's been almost two years since I started making my own lucky stars and I let this passion pass to some of my friends who are enjoying now more than I do. They are so cute, aren’t they? Try for yourself also. It is fun and another useful and creative way of “killing time”.

Please come back to my blog for in my next post I will tell you the instructions how to make such lucky stars. I will also show you some samples of the paper strip designs I have bought couple of weeks ago. I have bunch of these paper strip collection and I am willing to share my works to you.

Before I end up, if you will ask me why they are called "Lucky Stars", well, me either do not know. I will try to find out.

P.S. I used captured images of my actual lucky stars so far I have in my jar. For two years in the making, I already made thousands of lucky stars, I guess but I gave some of them to my friends.

If you are in this kind of hobby, I would appreciate if you let me see your works too. I would love to visit your blog...cheers:)


  1. Wow. They're indeed cute, sis! Do you have like a guide on how to do that? It can be a great addition to gift wrappers or greeting cards. And, I've got a ton of gift wrappers here at home that I kept since time immemorial *LOL* I'd prefer I put them to good use. :D

  2. Thanks again, Mhel. I will be posting the instructions by tomorrow...(as I promised in my post)...will keep you update:)

  3. they are cute Grace, how big are they actually, can they fit in a glass fish bowl to be a coffee table decor?

  4. Hello Josie, they just small like a button. Yes they could fit in a fish bowl. I did that before and it was pretty cool. In transparent flower vase also a good one...later today I will post about the instructions on how to make such..

  5. Hi Grace Can you tell me Where You gett therm?
