
Friday, November 5, 2010

Collection Fever - Tiny Creatures

I am so fascinated with these little tiny creatures. They are of no use but I love to collect them. I love seeing them at the top of my CPU. They are not ceramic. They are merely made from plastic. Their sizes are almost just the same with my thumb.

I did not bought them. They aren't gift either. They are just free items from the convenient store near in our place. The store is called, Family Mart (like Seven Eleven). For every purchase of NT$50 (more or less Php70), you are given 1 sticker. And for every 20 pieces of stickers, you are entitled to get one free miniature of something like this. Did you know that it takes time for me to accumulate 20 stickers? I got these six pieces more or less for one year but still I am hoping to get more of this in the coming months. So far I have more than 20 pieces of stickers now which are ready to be claimed for another kind of free souvenir item. This coming weekend, I will go and redeem another little guy to be added in this parade of tiny creatures.


  1. thanks looks so cute.. my kids will surely love them!

  2. Ay bakit wala sa family mart d2...? Ang daya..ll

  3. di mo kasi ako pinuntahan sa taipei...we collected a lot of these stickers from the family mart, didnt know what they were for, tinapon lang namin hahaha. :-)

  4. Wow ang cute nito, love it =) sayang wala family mart sa place namin :(
