
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Collection Fever - Used Recharge Cards

What shall I do with these used phone cards? I don't know. I am just "sick" and not tired of collecting things although sometimes the things I used to collect are total scrap. That is why I called myself a "scrapper"..... a digital scrapper.
I have started collecting these used mobile recharge cards three years ago, the first time I enter Taiwan. At first I never had an intention of collecting these cards because in the first place they were of no use after all. But because I have a tendency to be a collector of everything, I decided not to dispose and keep them instead. These were the cards where me and my husband used for almost three years. They are more than 150 recharge cards in all. There are times I am thinking and I even ask my husband what is the best thing to do with these scraps. I can't even display them or make income out of them, instead they only remind of how much $$ we have spent for such cards but of course they were worth because we used those cards to call our kids in the Philippines.

Until now I am still keeping our used recharge cards because who knows, these could make something big in the future. So, what can you suggest to make these cards, let us say, of good and creative use? (aside from throwing them away!)

I am thinking of making a hanging wind chime out of them; making holes by puncher and hang them together by ring binders. What do you think? Hope you can give me some ideas, too.

Think, think, and think more, Grace....


  1. whew. you have the best idea out there. I cannot think of any or what to do with it. hmmmm i am a scrapper too, i love to collect things too, i have many phone cards before from using globe and smart and now that eloading is in I don't have phone cards anymore.

  2. @zoan, I don't want to throw them that easy...what did you do with your old phone cards?

  3. I remember We made a curtain using old/new playing cards and used prepaid card. Anyhow, a wind chime is a great idea too.

  4. Thank you zh3en22, making hanging curtain is also great somehow similar to wind chime...will added that to my "suggest list"...TY

  5. i also have plenty of used game cards here. I just put it inside a shoebox. thanks for that nice idea regarding used cards, i might try it as well. para magkasilbi man lang ang used game cards ko dito. :)
