
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sometimes the world travels around us!

Wait! Don't be confused with my blog title. It is indeed that the world is traveling around us, sometimes (huh!). Everybody loves to travel, right? And If I would be asked I want to travel and see the different beautiful places around the globe but unfortunately we don't have the chance to travel and we don't have enough resources to do such leisure. But if I become rich, traveling around the world would be the first one in my list.

But for the meantime that we cannot travel around the world, I will let the world travels around us instead. How can this be possible? Photoshop answers.

Let me first look for the most qualified picture of ours. This is the original capture when we had our one weekend at Fisherman's Warf in Danshui, Taipei. The place is so beautiful, very relaxing although there are so many people walking around.

I picked this one because the background is not too complicated to crop. Yes, I have to extract ourselves from the background. And after my very successful extracting, here we are now and waiting for the world to visit us.
Come with us and see how the world travels around us. For our first destination, Great Wall of China. Yipeee!
I just resized our cropped photo, adjust little bit the brightness, add a slight shadow and there we are standing in the Great Wall of China.

After China, we posed in front of big Colosseum in Rome, Italy. What a wonderful view (as if we really been there!). Can you still see us?

We looked so small here because the photographer took the shot in a far distance...LOL. I just saw this Colosseum in my school books. It's like a dream come true.

For the last destination, my ever dream place to visit, Paris, with the Eiffel Tower. This is my most favorite one. The Eiffel Tower captured so perfectly here, so with us (wink!).

This is so weird isn't it? Traveling in different place but wearing the same smile, same clothes and even the same posed. I can't wait to post these pictures in my Facebook.

And last night, I asked my husband, "Where do you want to go this Christmas?" He simply replied, "I want to go to White House and meet Pres. Obama." So that's it, you know now where we are going next?

Join our fun!


  1. OMG. please teach me how to do that! ahahaha yeah really. you can do it in Shenzen China :D dun sa WIndows of the WOrld andun lahat ng mga spots sa ibat ibang country, pero mas cheaper ung ganito ha:D

  2. great job! how i wish i can learn photoshop too..

    I agree with you, the Eiffel Tower is perfect.

  3. Wow, I love the Window of the World. Ganda nga! Thanks Zoan. I bookmarked the site for my reference...Hanap pa ako ng pwedeng pasyalan (with

  4. @Margot, thanks sis. Try to learn Photoshop. Read some online tutorials.

  5. Very nicely done cropping and patching. The idea is excellent. Hope to see you in the White House with Obama soon.

  6. @Prasanna, thank you that you like my idea. We have to make first an appointment for Obama***LOL. Happy Friday!

  7. Those are nice pictures. Maybe someday you would no longer need the help of photoshop; you will be able to see the place personally. We'll be looking forward to those photos too.

  8. galing a! it's like you've really been to those places. just look at those photos everyday and who knows one day makapunta talaga kayo dyan. dream ko din makapunta sa mga lugar na yan, especially the Great Wall.

  9. PERFECT! I love it! Look how pretty you are! And hey, You're good at cropping!!! You should do more! Some more!!! ;)

  10. good job, if there is no written words i will think that it was real.

  11. That was such a great job! That was photoshop magic it its best! I wish I know how to do that, too.

  12. Hahahaha!! Ang cool, sis! I tried this before kaso wala akong pic na kasing tino nung senyo eh. Kaya Great Wall of China lang narating ko. LOL!!

  13. wow! this idea is so great! you're right, nowadays we need to be practical, kaya habang wala pang panggastos to go out of the country, why not try editing some pics with your chosen place as background. :)) btw, mukhang totoo lang yung kuha. :))

  14. Thank you to all who appreciate my post and my work. Sana nga marating ko sa true life ang mga places na yan. Anyway, I would appreciate if you could suggest more places worth to visit so that I can add to my digital travel habit***LOL

  15. Uy good job with the edits, the one at the great wall is almost believable hehe :)

  16. that's great Grace, but how about those white parts of the body, let's say the dress when you select and crop, I experienced that the white part also disappear and the image is not perfectly crop. any tips?

  17. @Vera, thanks sis. I love the Great Wall too. Sana talaga marating ko yan in person.

    @Josie, thank you sis. Usually I prefer to use different way of extracting. I use pen tool, sometimes Extract in Filter, or Magic Eraser tool. I do extracting style depends on the complexity of the background. I did not stick to one type of background extracting.

  18. brilliant! ang galing! My favorite is the one in great wall. :D

  19. I used to do photoshop before but then time is getting on me with work and family and the last thing I know, I don't know how to do it anymore. *sigh* lol

    Your editing is awesome but I love Paris the most, it looks so real.

  20. Thank you, Sir Rob..I love the Paris, too:)

  21. Haha, what a fun post Grace! :) We would love to visit those places too. Maybe I should do those photos...and post them on FB- they're sure to baffle friends and family,lol!

  22. Thank you Ava..also for supporting my card...I accepted your FB request. Thanks for the invitation. So glad to see here in my personal blog.

  23. It's really be deceptive ...hehehe. It looks so real . There are shots like these that I saw somewhere but it's pretty obvious that they're just photoshopped or the photo was quite "embossed" on it.

  24. @bingkee, thanks for the compliment***hugs
