
Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Bethlehem in the hospital

Before we attended the Christmas eve mass, I told my husband to go to the hospital first (only in front of the church) to check out the Bethlehem decoration because I know the hospital will surely make one beautiful and amazing Bethlehem like what they did in the previous Christmas. And like what I have expected, the hospital’s Bethlehem is a remarkable one, elegant yet so solemn.

This Bethlehem is a walk-in and the statues are like the human size. Here is the full view:

If you could only see the concept and the materials that the hospital staff made to this decoration you would be amazed. I love the color combination of blue and yellow that serve as the sky and rays. But what I attracted most to this holy image is the Baby Jesus. The face of the infant Jesus is so real and the time I went near and looked into His eyes, I felt something that He is talking to me in silence. Look at Him and tell me that He is indeed holy and innocent. He is in a crib with white cloth around and looks like He is glowing. As I was looking at the infant image, I was praying inside my heart that His holy innocence will reign and give me the peace that I am asking for in the long period of time.

My husband and I spent an hour looking at the Bethlehem while sitting in the corner where we saw it in full view. It was 9:30pm then but the hospital was still open and there were also some people who took picture on the decoration and spent time looking around.

At exactly 10pm we supposedly leave the hospital and go the church. But when we passed at the counter-teller section which was already closed then, in one corner there with stainless grills, we saw a very cute tabletop Bethlehem with a house made of carton and the images are made of finger-sized cute! As usual, I couldn't control myself to have a shot:

I let my one hand fit in the grills to get a closer capture. So after such successful capture, we left the hospital and proceeded to the church for the Christmas eve mass at 11pm. I had a feeling of being prepared and relief after such visit in the hospital.

That was one truly holy experience in the hospital. Happy holidays!


  1. wow! those are so lovely nativity Grace.

    Merry Christmas to you.

  2. That is wonderful. Merry Christmas to you, your family, and all your readers!

  3. @Kat and @Aldon, thank you. Yes, that nativity in the hospital is very amazing..especially the image of the infant Jesus..very adorable!

    Merry Christmas and happy New Year to both of you. Thanks for being here.

  4. i wonder what you're doing in a hospital during the holidays. hope none of your loved ones is sick.

    have a happy new year grace!

  5. Hello Gee..hospitals here (Taipei) are like shopping malls or hotels..lots of stuff to buy, very clean, nice to walk and look around ...very rare, right but it's true:) Happy holiday also to you, Gee!
