
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I am prepared for His birthday!

Its three days to go before Christmas. For sure everybody is excited…for gifts, for surprises, for family gatherings. Most of us are preparing for something that can make our loved ones happy. But have you asked yourself, “What am I preparing for this holiday season?” “Am I prepared for the coming of our Lord?" Personally yes, I am ready and I am prepared. How did I prepare myself then?

Last November 27, the first Sunday of Advent season, I and my husband offered a thanksgiving mass not only for our blessings but also to give thanks in the beginning of the advent season. Then last December 5, the second Sunday of Advent, we attended an advent recollection held in our church presided by a Malaysian priest. The talk was very inspiring and was really awakening about preparing ourselves for the coming of our Lord. Of all advent recollections I have attended in the previous years, this was the best one. After the talk, I went into confession. I cleansed my soul and spirit. I preferred to have my confession in a face-to-face with the priest.

Last December 12, the third Sunday of Advent, we started talking about the Bethlehem decorations to be displayed in the church altar. This was the day I made a promise to Jesus. That night, I prayed and I promised to Jesus that I will do all my best to make His manger a beautiful one, that I will give my full effort and time in giving my helping hands to build his manger. A day after that promise, I received a gift from Him. I was awarded as 2nd Place in Yola’s Christmas Webpage Designing Contest. Then on the following day December 14th, I was declared as Grand Prize Winner of Apple iMAC in’s Christmas Card Designing Contest. Jesus indeed answered my prayers and He heard my promise.

By December 15, we started decorating the Bethlehem in the church. This was really sacrifice on our part because we came home late from work which enable us to start decorating around 9pm up to 12mn then we have work on the following day. We have been working on that decoration for almost three days despite of the very cold weather (because it’s already winter here in Taipei). It was very exhausting but as I have said in my previous post, there was still a smile in my heart after all.

Then last December 19th, the fourth Sunday of Advent, the Bethlehem’s first view. Everybody in the church is happy about the Bethlehem, so am I. And for sure, Baby Jesus would be excited about His crib. And even if I haven’t heard Jesus saying something, I know and I feel that He is happy about what we did to his manger. And after that 6pm mass, we practiced our caroling to be performed in the Christmas eve.

On the Christmas day itself, what shall I do? Of course, we will attend mass and we will stay online to be connected to our kids who are now in the Philippines. And on Sunday, December 26th, we will be having our party together with our friends in the church.

God is really good for making all these things possible in me despite how hard my time was in the past two months but I was able to have them in all in place. And for all my effort, I felt rewarded and given much more what I was asking for.

So for now I want to return the favor for all my blessings. Accept this Christmas e-card I have made and designed for all of you, provided with this music video from YouTube, The Power of Your Love:

The Power of Your Love

Lord I come to You
Let my heart be changed, renewed
Flowing from the grace
That I have found in You
And Lord I have come to know
The weaknesses I see in me
Will be stripped away
By the power of Your love

*Hold me close
And let Your love surround me
Bring me near
And draw me to Your side
And as I wait
I’ll rise up like the eagle
And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
By the power of Your love

Lord unveil my eyes
Let me see You face to face
The knowledge of Your love
As You live in me
And Lord renew my mind
As Your will unfolds in my life
In living every day
In the power of Your love

And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love

Of all praise songs I have known and heard this one has the biggest impact on my life. And believe me, if you feel the song and its message, you will cry in realization. I always listen to this song everyday and it helps me relieve from worries and wanting to renew at once.

You can re-post this card or this video to your blogs as you celebrate the time He came to your life. You can also send this to your loved ones if you want. I did not include any watermark on the card. Just don’t sell this card or offer to others for a fee because I am giving you this for free, please. You can post your own favorite song like what I did and start spreading the love this holiday season.

Merry Christmas to all and be sure that you prepare yourself for His coming. Just remember that this day is His day. So let’s offer ourselves to Him.


  1. very nice post, sis! you were truly blessed. God really is good! :)

    I have your beautiful Christmas card on my side bar. a very nice creative work of art again! :)

  2. Very very empressive...
    Newest follower, hope you will follow me back here@ Step It Up! Happy X'mas :)


  3. Just visited your blog to greet you A Blessed Christmas! God Bless!

  4. Thank you to all of you. Merry Christmas:)
