
Sunday, December 19, 2010

A smile in my heart

It is our third day now since we started the Bethlehem decoration in our church and we still not finish but tomorrow will be the last day to work for it. We were working on that holiday decoration in the church for three days now every after work and went home almost very late at night (mostly past 12mn).

While in our minute break, I let my friend to have a capture of me in the front of the bare Bethlehem inside the church. The rest were just just sitting resting for a while aside from me who tried to have a sweet smile over the camera. This was taken only two hours ago (..and now I am already blogging about it!).

My husband is much busy working on this than me. Well, it seems that I am more on moral help than of a physical help**LOL..just kidding! Of course I have my part.

My husband looks more busy than I do (very obvious!) but I am pretty sure that he is inspired...I'm always at his back no matter what**LOL. Anyway, we were doing this Bethlehem decoration in the church for almost three years now. We are doing this holiday contribution not just for an obligation but because we really want to help. Tomorrow we are 100% sure that it will be finally done. Me and my husband together with some of our friends gave full effort and contribution on this to make the Bethlehem looks even more holy and beautiful each year. I will update this post about the final look of this Bethlehem.

The weather now is very cold and we almost frozen to death when we went home riding in our bicycle. We were very exhausted for the past few days but we always ended our day with a smile. Can you believe that I am doing this post now at exactly 1:00 o'clock am here in my place. We have just arrived from the church but I still have the "power" to do all my online obligations. God always give a miracle and I am endlessly thankful for this.

1 comment:

  1. kahit ngarag sis smile pa din. tama yan! :)
    bilib din talaga ako sayo how you manage to do all your tasks, especially the time you were so busy with the card making contest, not to mention you still have work. I agree with your last sentence. God really gives strength to those who rely on him. :)
