
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goals and plans for my blogging and designing for 2011

A big HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! Welcome to my very first post of the year 2011.

I am silently shouting my joy to welcome my year 2011. For sure most of you are still in bed..hey wake up it's New Year! Get up and start the year for not being late**LOL.

Anyway, yesterday I had my last post for 2010. I looked back and refreshed my blogging and designing experiences in the past 365 days. So today, the first day of the year 2011, is the perfect day to give my targets and plans for my blogging and designing activities for the next 365 days. There is no harm in trying to set goals, right?

**The first in my target plan is to at least get some of the stuff in my wish list as soon as I can because I found most of them necessity in my digital designing.

**Create more Photoshop tutorials and give more blog designing tips. I am not an expert one to give the best tutorials for such areas but I will really try my best to share what I know and what I have learned.

**Give more freebies regularly in my Digital Retouching blog and share them to my digital scrapbooking community.

**Write and publish useful articles often. I will oblige myself to do and maintain this goal not only for the sake of my blogs but also for the sake of my followers and readers.

**Designing blogs for Wordpress. This is one of my priorities this year and hopefully I can start my blog designing services for Wordpress by mid-year.

**Designing services for business cards and party invitations. Supposedly, this plan was first set in 2010 but in the end I decided to offer my services instead for blog designing for a while. So for this year I am looking forward to have these services also.

**Purchase more licensed images and graphics. This is always been my goal since I started designing.

**I am also planning to create a separate blog for my kids but not really priority. If I get extra time, I will create blog for them.

**Be more active in social networking media like Facebook and Twitter.

**Be a consistent and active advertiser and publisher in Adgitize.

**Setup newsletter subscription for my two blogs just like in my Digital Retouching. I will also post tips about this additional feature in our blogs so keep watching about it. I will post the topic in my Dress Up Your Blogs.

**Manage my time well and organize my stuff in creative designing.

**But the most important plan I am looking forward for this year is to wear smile always no matter what, even in the face of stress and pressure...pretty tough, right? In addition to this goal, I am also setting up another motto for this year: Whatever I do, I do it with a smile.

So far these are my plan and goals. If ever there are some more I will just add them to my list (in my organizer). What about you, do you have any objectives for this year? I would love to hear and read them all, too.

Happy New Year again and as I said yesterday (I will repeat..), start the year right so the rest of the year is right.


  1. I am glad that you will have photoshop tutorial, i have no knowledge of how photoshop works at all.


  2. Same here i have no knowledge in photoshop and it's one thing that i want to learn this 2011.. Happy new year!

  3. Happy New year Grace. Those are workable goals for you. Hope you get to accomplish everything this 2011. God bless.

  4. Haha, nice Ps pic! XD im a noobie at Ps, still tweaking :)

  5. wow, that's lots of plan for the year. Happy new year Grace!

    oh, by the way, please help me win a contest, just need ur click: and thanks in advance :)
