
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We bought these...guess why!

Last Saturday, we have been to one shopping mall here to buy something that me and my husband really need to have. This is not priority for now but we see it as necessity so we never had second taught of picking this item. Look what we have got:

It’s a 3-section tripod…!

Why do you think we prefer to get this item, well in fact we already have a tripod? The only thing I could say is.…we need a bigger tripod now to support a bigger camera. This one from Olympus is much bigger than the one we have for our point-and-shoot Sony digital camera. We really need this, as in we have to have this…

Together with the tripod, we also bought this all-in-one memory card reader.

Haizz, can you guess now why we bought these stuff? This only means another check in my 2011 wish list...Hhhmm, so excited to bring you another good news but I will post about this some other time**LOL. If you have felt jealous with my new iMac, for sure you will also feel green in envy when you see my new pet!**wink

Got an idea now?