
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our new 32-inch Sony Bravia flat screen TV

Supposedly, I am planning to share this to you two weeks ago but I failed to publish it on time. So now I am super excited to show you our brand new 32-inch Sony Bravia flat screen TV. This is one of our long time obsession to have. Last November 2010, we also bought 24-inch Vizio LCD TV for our room. Now, this 32-inch is for our living room when we go back to the Philippines...sounds exciting right?

For now that we are still here in Taipei, we have to try using it. So calling my technician....! Here is my husband while setting up the TV in our room with our Philips home theater set.

Tada! I feel so in love with our new TV. The screen is so big, has remarkable quality resolution. We trusted the brand Sony when it comes to TV so we decided to pick this model. One of our choices before were Samsung, and Sanyo but we still ended to get the Sony Bravia.

Here is the actual TV on playing my favorite Madagascar on DVD.

Our kids will surely love our new flat screen TV. We informed them about this and they were jumping for joy. Later this year we will be coming home (I guess for good..) and this set will be shipped a month before we leave here.

So anyone of you have Sony Bravia at home? Have you find this model worth to have?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Another sets of lucky star paper strips

Here is another quick look of my new sets of paper strips for my lucky star paper folding. My husband bought these for me (actually I asked him to**LOL). I almost ran out of stock here in my cabinet so I terribly requested for these.

So now I have more than 20 packs of these paper strips in different designs and colors. I am so crazy about these strips not only because I love making lucky stars but also because the designs are amazingly cute and so attractive.

I have these two huge transparent feeding bottles (not the real baby bottles**) which the finished lucky stars are kept. These bottles gave to me by one of our church friends here...actually these are candy jars. They are almost overflowing and I am now looking for another jars which can accommodate my upcoming more stars.

This is my fourth time that I make a post about my lucky stars. You can check my labels, "lucky stars" to check my other posts. I have some instructions there on how to make such. Also, I shared a video which I grab from a source.

I am quite busy now reconstructing my Dress Up Your Blogs (because I moved it to a self-hosted site) that is why I cannot give much time to these hobby for now. I just want to share to you my new sets. Thank you for looking and hope you give yourself a try for lucky stars. This is fun, I swear.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ready to feel blue again

Time flies so fast and with just blink of an eye the love month is almost over. It seems only yesterday when I posted about the first glance of my loving blog design for February. Now that the end of the month is nearly approaching, what would I say? After my blog felt the love around for this whole month, it is now ready to feel blue again. For sure I will miss this pinkish theme but my blog's life is like that...dressing up all the time!

What I truly miss in this theme is my pink birdy in the header**LOL. Since I love it so much, I decided to keep it instead. So keep watching about this blue birdy. I'm almost done preparing the coming back of my blue theme. Last night I finished the last image I need so I guess anytime this week I will re-upload those images. I will maintain the same arrangement around here, same labels, same words.

I may sound OA (over-acting) about the looks of my blog but...that's what I am! My personality reflects to this blog and the whole in me. I am so in-love with my blog(s) and I want them to be neat and attractive (as much as possible). Don't be surprised anymore if I change my theme from time to time because I always explore around my blogs. I guess my next dress up will be on Halloween**LOL. But I think if ever I use a Halloween theme, I must wear it for a week only because my blog might scare my visitors away**LOL. Seriously speaking, I am now thinking more what to wear on 4th of July.

But this time, I must face life in blue. I am almost ready to feel blue again! No matter what happen, I want to be blue. Keep watching, friends!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Popsicle Stick Frames

I want to share to you these popsicle projects I made last week. I have finished five mini photo frames from colored popsicle sticks.

These projects were made from my existing hybrid stuff aside from colored popsicle sticks which I just bought recently intended for this creation. Here are the actual materials: (assorted ribbons, buttons, string, rubber die cuts, and the popsicle sticks)

I also used scrapped cardboard and transparent plastic for the photo front and back cover. While here are the simple tools I used: (double-sided tape, transparent tape, pencil, ruler, cutter, and scissor)

Let me take you to each mini frame:

All of them have plastic cover for the photo slot and piece of cardboard to cover the back. The photo can be easily inserted and replace if I want because I provided an opening for the insertion of photos.I can hang these mini photo frames on the wall (by placing a string at the back of the frame) or just place over my table.

How do you find these frames? So cute, aren't they? Thank you for looking.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How does my working table looks like

I made the first look of my working table in my post last November 11, 2010 My Poor Laptop which I featured how I turned my laptop into desktop**LOL. I love working in my table because it is spacious and very comfortable to work with. Before, my Lexmark printer was permanently here in my table but after I made some re-arrangement, I decided to place it under my table and just put it out when use.

Three months ago, my table looked like this:

And now here is my working table:

In my monitor, I have also a family photo of ours and my name.

My working table really fits to my needs.

What about you? How does your working table looks like. Hopefully you can make your own blog post about How does my working table looks like. Start now to share yours. I would appreciate if you share to me the link once you make a post and I would love to visit.

Happy weekend!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Grace at 32!

Can you sing this song for me..............?

So that I can blow this candle...because its my birthday today!

Yes, my dear friends and followers it's my 32nd birthday today (as in today). Well sorry if I don't have anything to give you on my birthday. I mean I do not have a birthday contest (like sis Mhel, I envy her for that**LOL) or even birthday giveaways. The truth is I really don't have time to prepare for this. What I can just offer you for now are my freebies and tips/tutorials.

So it's been 32 long years of life. Changes come and go. I learned a lot from life and I am not ashamed of saying that I am not perfect to have errors and mistakes but I take all of that positively. I always look at the bright side and take as challenge those hardships. And now for this day, as I celebrate my 32 years of being me, I want to bring up the new ME...more mature, more responsible, and more beautiful**LOL.

Anyway, last night I did some halukay to my old baul and I saw my college picture (scanned). This was taken almost 11 years ago during my graduating year in college. Time really flies so fast and with just blink of an eye, 11 years had past already.

Now, here I am (picture taken two months ago)......

....a wife and a mother:

Those pictures are our latest family picture. That was taken February of last year when we had our one week of vacation from work. We went home to be with the kids. My kids are growing so fast and it only means that I am not getting any younger anymore***LOL.

I don't have anything much more to say but to greet myself a happy and healthy birthday to me!

Want to greet me, too? You can leave your love, cheers, and greetings here if you want...Give your wish for me! Thank you:)

Monday, February 14, 2011

For Him!

Happy heart's day to everyone!

Are you excited for this day? Me, yes of course! This could be sounds ordinary for some but for me it makes difference from other days of the year. ..simply because it's Valentine's day. Few days ago I started doing my card for my husband Gerry and yesterday I finally gave it to him for today we have work and don't have much time talking about it (because I want him to hug and kiss me when he receive it).

Here is the card I made for him:

I designed this from my stuff. I used four types of designed papers, 3 types of ribbons, 2 stitched colored buttons, and a pair of googly eyes.

It is a three-fold card with our photo on it and my special message for him. My message for him was from my own thoughts and made from my own handwriting (to make it more personalized**).

Yesterday I put this card on his computer table and when he saw it....I got a kiss and hug! yipe!

I told him that I want sushi for dinner tonight and he agreed, too. What about you? What is your plan for tonight?

Happy Valentine's day to all. Be inspired. Be in loved!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Parade of Signatures

In my previous post I have mentioned there that I will be posting about the parade of signatures inside the Taipei 101 mall. Okay, I admit, I confess, and I am aware that taking photos in front of these signature outlets are not allowed. But last time that we've been there, my husband and I really tried our best to make steal shots on these outlets. Sorry about that, I just want to have souvenirs.

So let me start with Chanel:

Let me tell you something about our experience with Louis Vuitton. Here is our first attempt:

And one of the male sales attendant gave us sign that we were not allowed to take shot because he saw my husband with the camera. At first I thought we did not made the shot so we move a little bit far but still in front of the outlet and capture again (**kulit!).

My shot with Prada was few steps away from the outlet because, you see that sales man standing in front of the entrance, he was staring at us until we left but we came back after few minutes and posed here instead.

There are so many signatures inside Taipei 101. If only I could capture them all I would do but I guess, that would be enough for me (for now). You can see larger views of these pictures on my Facebook.

Thank you for looking.