
Friday, March 25, 2011

Goodbye, Elizabeth

I used not to blog about celebrities because I don’t have interest on them but when I heard the news last night that Elizabeth Taylor died for health reason, I could not control myself not to mention here about this fabulous and legendary Hollywood actress. Obviously she’s not about my age and her time was not my time and as a matter of fact I haven’t seen any of her movies but because of her popularity I became one of her avid fan. If you could remember I made a post last November 1, 2010 (oh my!) about her eyes which I really (really!) want to have. My post was about “I want that eyes, too!”.

I only known Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra, nothing more nothing less. I love her beauty so much and no matter how pretty our young actresses of today, hers is still my favorite..very aristocratic and elegant. She is a true of picture of beauty.

Elizabeth Taylor, goodbye.. It's just so sad that your life ended in that way but I still admire you. I was not surprise anymore when I heard that she married 7 times (she had 8 husbands in all).

1 comment:

  1. very sad news.I also love her eyes,it was so beautiful.
    Hey grace can I expect a link back from your blogroll?
