
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I am planning to move to Wordpress

I have been quiet in this blog for couple of weeks now not only because of my busy schedule but also because I am thinking and planning of migrating this blog to Wordpress. This blog is hosted with Blogger since I started it last October 2010. Recently I am thinking of moving it to Wordpress as what I did to my Dress Up our Blogs.

I am trying to catch a free time to do all the moving. This is not easy on my part because I am one busy bee worker. Like what I’ve even before, I am currently working in the regular hours and I have only three hours a day (from 9pm-12mn) to work extra on my online commitments. So I cannot sure again when will I finish everything. For now I don’t have yet definite date when to move but I have the host, I have the means, I have the ways, I already have the new blog design in mind but what I do not have for now is TIME. But this is definitely on my list.

So, don’t panic if you visit me next time seeing the “Maintenance Mode”. That would be it.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day to all fathers

To all fathers and expectant fathers out there, today is your day...happy father's day to all of you!

For my husband Gerry I want to give you very sweet greetings on this day....I love you so much, mahal. You're such an ideal father and good provider to us. And I know you are giving all your best to keep our family as good as what our parents have raised us.

If I were to describe my husband as a father, the word "perfect" would not be enough. He is very loving, giving all our needs without throwing a second thought. He always think first of the kids other than himself....a very intelligent person, responsible, and most importantly he loves us more than his life because we are his life.

So happy father's day mahal and I love you more and will keep on loving you much...

To my papa, and my two brothers Francis and Raymon happy father's day to the three of you, too.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Intel i3 HP Notebook - newly added member in my working table

I know this is not too much but last week we finally got another HP notebook from newly opened 3C Store branch near our place. This was not in our plan but fortunately we got one!

Ask: Do we need it since we already have two laptops and 1 desktop here? My answer is yes. All I know is that we must get this one that time, not on the following day or not in another day. Would you believe that we got this 14" Intel Core i3 with Windows 7 at 50% off? They were having a huge sale for their grand opening and the sale was only until that day. Without thinking too much, we purchased the notebook and let them convert to English. I feel shy to mention the actual price but we got it for less than Php20K, I guess.

So how does my table accommodate now this new laptop? In my post here, you can see my table before without the HP notebook. And now, here it is another member in my working table:

It's just good thing that I have a large working table (because I don't want a small space to work on!).

For now I haven't explore this notebook yet for I have been so busy lately. But I am using it already in browsing the net particularly for checking my personal mails. I will make a review on this model some other time because for now I can't say much more aside from I absolutely love!

So, just congratulate me for having another tool for my blogging and designing career...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sony Ericsson Aino or Motorola ME600?

Last time I have posted about my target mobile phone to buy after my 6-year old Nokia 6300 finally gave up. It’s been almost three weeks now that I don’t have mobile phone (because I am still saving for the best…LOL!). Then I decided that if I got enough penny, I will go for Sony Ericsson Aino. I desire to have it since the time I saw it in one store here.

But last Sunday, one of our Filipino friends told me that he was selling his Motorola Backflip ME600 after using it for a year according to him.

(Photos from Motorola)

He bought a new Samsung Galaxy and planning to dispose his old one. I was then tempted to get his phone since the price is almost half of the brand new of the Sony Ericsson I am planning to buy. His phone still looks in perfect condition and I know it is still functioning well. So I told him, yes I am interested to get his ME600 but last night he called and asked me to get the phone later tonight but unfortunately for now I don’t have the ready-money yet to pay. So, sadly that I can no longer have his phone because somebody is also waiting and interested to have it.

So, I will still go for Sony Ericsson Aino. I am so excited to have a new phone and if ever this would be the most luxurious material I could have for myself (although the price of SE Aino is not that too expensive…LOL).